Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A little bit of reality

Well hello there! I must say it has been over a year since my last post and many things have happened. The ones that stand out to me right now are:

1. Hercules!!! He is a black dog of unknown breed and he's been amazing :) He just got neutered yesterday. We hoped that he would calm down after his balls get chopped, but our hope dissipated today when he continued to bark and run around.
2. Camp Kesem - grown to love it then grew to hate it, but still love it. ahh.. it's so hard to describe
3. Megan - my sister bought a little place down at mission valley. and i realize that we have a lot in common. weird. oh and every time i go over to her place, she inspires me to do projects and be organized. but then i come back to my place and realize its too big and living with other dogs and irresponsible people is a big pain and that clogs my inspiration.
4. Death - experienced my first death in in the family. love you grandma!
5. School/Debt - i'm not fit for school, and as long as i'm enrolled, i'll have money problems. vicious cycle.

overall, this past year has been such a learning experience for me. i've gotten a taste of reality and it's bitter. but it gets better whenever i get a bit of sweetness and kikkoman soysauce every once in a while. what can you do--it's reality :D

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